Love, Joy, Peace...
Contact Us
Use this form to ask questions about online giving or the parish directory, schedule a meeting with Fr. Alexander, or simply learn more about the parish or Orthodox Christianity. Please complete the following fields, then click Submit.
Your Name (Required)
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Inquirer to Orthodoxy
Upcoming or Recent Visitor
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Financial Contributor
Connecting with Ss. Mary and Michael's Orthodox Parish
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I would like Fr. Alexander to contact me by email.
I would like Fr. Alexander to contact me by phone.
I would like to receive weekly announcements (enter your email address above).
I would like to know more about the Orthodox Faith.
I would like a guided tour of the churches in Irvona and/or Madera.
I would like to know more about becoming an Orthodox Christian.
I would like to volunteer in a ministry of the parish.
I have a technical question or feedback about the website.
I am an Orthodox Christian and am interested in joining the parish.
Questions or Comments:
How can the parish serve you?
Ss. Mary and Michael Orthodox Parish
151 Alexander Rd, Madera, PA 16661
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